Explore NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center

Explore NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center

NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base in California supported the agency in 2018 by advancing flight, Earth and space #technology through a number of center milestones. As the agency works to integrate #NASA technology into commercial air#space, Armstrong is leading the development of various technologies. The center is also supporting technology demonstrations through flight and sharing the results with the aviation industry and the public.

 The center continues its tradition of early approach and landing flight research and testing for new spacecraft. Through accomplishing dynamic flight research and sharing with industry, academia and other government communities, Armstrong is facilitating an understanding of aeronautics concepts and demonstrating the role that flight will play in the nation’s future.

Credit to : NASA

The post Explore NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center first appeared on The Futurist.

source https://www.thefuturist.co/explore-nasa-armstrong-flight-research-center/
