WFIRST’s Wide Field Instrument (shorter version)

WFIRST’s Wide Field Instrument (shorter version)

In order to know how the universe will end, we must know what has happened to it so far. This is just one mystery #NASA​’s forthcoming Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) mission will tackle as it explores the distant cosmos. The spacecraft’s giant camera, the Wide Field Instrument (WFI), will be fundamental to this exploration. The WFI has just passed its preliminary design review, an important milestone for the mission. It means the WFI successfully met the design, schedule and budget requirements to advance to the next phase of development, where the team will begin detailed design and fabrication of the flight hardware. WFIRST is a next-generation #space​ telescope that will survey the infrared universe from beyond the orbit of the Moon. Its two instruments are a #technology​ Credit to : NASA

The post WFIRST’s Wide Field Instrument (shorter version) first appeared on The Futurist.

