Space Station Crew Walks in Space to Conduct Robotics Upgrades

Space Station Crew Walks in Space

Outside the International Space Station, Expedition 54 Flight Engineers Mark Vande Hei and Scott Tingle 3 #NASA​ conducted the first spacewalk this year Jan. 23 to replace a degraded latching end effector (LEE) on one end of the Canadarm2 #Robotic​ arm. There are two redundant end effectors on each end of the arm used to grapple visiting vehicles and components during a variety of operational activities. The spacewalk was the 206th in support of space station assembly and maintenance, the third in Vande Hei’s career and the first for Tingle. Vande Hei will venture outside the station again Jan. 29 with Flight Engineer Norishige Kanai of the Japan #Aerospace​ Exploration Agency (JAXA) to stow a spare latching end effector removed from the robotic arm last October on to the station’s mobile base system rail car for future use.

The post Space Station Crew Walks in Space to Conduct Robotics Upgrades first appeared on The Futurist.

