29 Days on the Edge
29 Days on the Edge
The greatest origin story of all unfolds with the James Webb Space Telescope. Webb’s launch is a pivotal moment that exemplifies the dedication, innovation, and ambition behind NASA and its partners, the European Space Agency (ESA) and Canadian Space Agency (CSA), but it is only the beginning. The 29 days following liftoff will be an exciting but harrowing time.
Thousands of parts must work correctly, in sequence, to unfold Webb and put it in its final configuration, all while it flies through the expanse of space alone, to a destination nearly one million miles away. As the largest and most complex telescope ever sent into space, the James Webb Space Telescope is a technological marvel. By necessity, Webb takes on-orbit deployments to the extreme. Each step can be controlled expertly from the ground, giving Webb’s Mission Operations Center full control to circumnavigate any unforeseen issues with deployment.
The post 29 Days on the Edge first appeared on The Futurist.source https://www.thefuturist.co/29-days-on-the-edge/
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