What Would Happen If All Ice On Earth Melted?

If All Ice On Earth Melts

Many people have wondered what would happen if all the glacial ice on the planet melted. Some believe that it would be a water world with no land in sight, while others think that could never happen. But the Earth is changing in more ways than you might think on its own. Many might wonder how much of the Earth’s current global warming trend is affected by humans. Regardless of who is to blame, whether the planet is just going through a natural phase in its evolution, or if we are responsible, the evidence shows that the planet is getting warmer and warmer every year. But just how much of the planet could end up covered in water if all the glacial ice melted?

Credit Destiny

The post What Would Happen If All Ice On Earth Melted? first appeared on The Futurist.

source https://www.thefuturist.co/what-woulhappen-if-all-ice-on-earth-melted/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-woulhappen-if-all-ice-on-earth-melted
