WE DID IT! Exoplanet Just like EARTH has been FOUND Scientific Find of the Century

Future Space

A Spin Around An Exoplanet Most Like Earth. While its mass and composition are not yet determined, previous research suggests that planets the size of Kepler-452b have a better than even chance of being rocky. Kepler-452b orbits its star every 385 days. The planet’s star is about 1,400 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus.

Credit Viper TV Science

The post WE DID IT! Exoplanet Just like EARTH has been FOUND Scientific Find of the Century first appeared on The Futurist.

source https://www.thefuturist.co/we-did-it-exoplanet-just-like-earth-has-been-found-scientific-find-of-the-century-space-documentary/
