SHOCKING! Elon Musk JUST REVEALED Evidence Of An Extraterrestrial Civilization On Mars! 😱

Future Space

When we first heard the news that Elon Musk was announcing an important discovery on Mars, we were expecting to hear about something along the lines of new evidence of life on the Red Planet. Instead, we got something even more surprising and profound than life on Mars – evidence of an extraterrestrial civilization already there! That’s right – Elon Musk just revealed what appear to be humans living in underground colonies on Mars! To quote him directly, They are coming. They? Who do you think he meant by them? Elon Musk has just made the most stunning revelation, and this time he’s not messing around. As NASA announced new details of their discovery on Mars, Elon Musk took to his own social media account to announce that there are aliens living on Mars and we are likely not alone in the universe. If he’s right, then this could be one of the most historic discoveries in modern history. Let’s take a look at what Elon Musk had to say, and see if it holds any weight or if it was just an attention-grabbing soundbite. Elon Musk Warned about Aliens: SpaceX chief Elon Musk has issued a warning that they are coming, as he prepares to reveal his most important discovery about life on Mars. This will be his first major announcement since declaring there was significant activity on Mars during last year’s speech at International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Mexico. They are coming, said Musk. We don’t know where they come from, but I do have some ideas… You shouldn’t be afraid of them…we should embrace them and hopefully it will turn out well for us.

Credit Elon Musk Rewind

The post SHOCKING! Elon Musk JUST REVEALED Evidence Of An Extraterrestrial Civilization On Mars! 😱 first appeared on The Futurist.

