What Will Solar Sail Propulsion Mean For The Future Of Space Travel?

Future Space

Robert H. Goddard couldn’t believe his eyes: his rocket went finally up to an altitude of 41 feet in 2.5 seconds and landed 184 feet away. It was March 16, 1926, a date that changed the world. Forever. Today, the Goddard Rocket Launching Site National Historic Landmark commemorates the site of the world’s first successful liquid-fueled rocket. You can find it in Auburn, Massachusetts. The original launch site is indicated by a granite marker.

Credit Insane Curiosity

The post What Will Solar Sail Propulsion Mean For The Future Of Space Travel? first appeared on The Futurist.

source https://www.thefuturist.co/what-will-solar-sail-propulsion-mean-for-the-future-of-space-travel/
